Monday, January 24, 2011


I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and now that my boyfriend has set up our computer I figured today was as good as any day. I plan to upload pictures of clothes I like, food I cook, how I have decorated our apartment, and my latest obession, DIY projects. I have so many new year resolutions and starting my blog was one of them so hopefully I will accomplish others also!

Just a little bit about myself, I have an adorable little dog named Bella who just started living with us this past week. I love fashion and was even going to go to school for it, but instead went to cosmetology school. But, shopping and putting together new outfits for not only myself but others is still something I LOVE to do. I obviously do hair, and I'm excited I get to teach the other stylists about Paul Mitchell products since thats where I went to school. In the past 2 years I have really taken a liking to cooking. There will be alot of posts about what I am currently making. Since my boyfriend and I recently got our own place, I have also been decorating alot, again expect alot of pictures, lol. Im working on convincing him to let me paint the office, or any room for that matter, Tiffanys blue:) But, my latest obession is DIY projects. There are so many things I see that I want to transform to something totally different.

I love all things vintage! We have so many vintage pieces in our apartment. I have gotten alot of thing from my Granny. I recently took in a gold chair that once was my Grannys that I need to buy a slipcover for. I really haven't found a place for it yet, but I cant get rid of it lol. I also have 2 bar stools that were my aunts from the 80s, although thats not old enough to really be considered vintage yet, but I am going to spray paint them and buy new pattern for the cushion. And, another project I will be working on is making a little mini bar from a cabinet that has been in my Mom's garage for a while now. We bought a wine glass holder that I will screw inside of the cabinet and paint it and buy new hardware for it from Anthropologie.

With all my little projects I have going on and work I seem like a busy bee, but I am so excited to start this blog, and will be posting many, many pictures!

I will post again soon.

Shell <3

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